Are your nurses spending time on the wrong calls?

Train your scheduling team to maximize nurses’ time with automated listening.

Authenticx aggregates and analyzes nursing triage calls so you can know with certainty:

  • What kinds of calls nurses are spending their time on
  • How schedulers are responding to appointment inquiries, refill and referral requests
  • What triggers schedulers to send a call to a nurse
  • Caller sentiment and sources of caller frustration
  • Where resources are being wasted

Uncover actionable insights and training opportunities with Authenticx.

Processes are in flux due to the climate of today’s world. See how one hospital used Authenticx to identify their nursing triage line staffing needs and real-time opportunities to better train schedulers during a Covid-19 surge.

Leading hospitals use Authenticx to listen to patient conversations at scale.
What’s happening in your patient conversations?

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