$150 billion lost to no-shows.

Missed appointments drive revenue losses year over year in healthcare.

Prescription Call Volume

Customer calls stuck in a non-productive loop (the Eddy Effect™)

Social Determinants of Health

AI-evaluated conversations

Wasted Spend

Identified cost savings by reducing call volume

Measured outcomes & impact

Analyze conversations at scale with AI to optimize patient experience and drive positive ROI.

Strategically invest resources with data-backed insights.

Powerful insights fuel decision-making

Proprietary machine learning models classify and auto-score conversations.

Capture patient feedback across touchpoints to evaluate the full picture.

AI solutions for hospitals & providers

Insights to reduce call volume and better understand what’s driving calls in the first place.

Identify points of patient frustration to strategically focus process improvements. 


Reduce call volume by understanding why patients are unable or prevented from making payments.


Improve patient access and process opportunities in your local community with insights on top drivers behind missed appointments. 

Online Portal

Inform strategic improvements to make digital tools more efficient and easier to access.

Patient Experience in Healthcare | Patient Friction Solutions with Authenticx

Use AI to improve patient retention

Gain a competitive advantage by listening at scale for critical context on how customers are engaging with scheduling, billing, nurse triage teams, and more. 

Competitive Insights | Authenticx to improve patient experience in healthcare

Identify obstacles in the PX journey

Identify areas of friction by leveraging existing patient conversations to strategically focus on impactful changes or improvements.

Patient Experience in Healthcare | Authenticx builds patient journeys

Elevate the human experience in healthcare

Authenticx is a Supporting Partner of The Beryl Institute! The Beryl Institute is the global community of individuals committed to transforming the human experience in healthcare. 

The Beryl Institute | Authenticx
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