Many media outlets are considering healthcare trends for 2023, our own Authenticx leaders – Amy Brown, Leslie Pagel, and Michael Armstrong are sharing notable themes and trends related to top of mind insights as we look forward to 2023. Check out some of their predictions for the industry next year.
Forbes | Customer Experience Trends for 2023 with Leslie Pagel at Authenticx
Leslie Pagel, CCO at Authenticx, was featured in Forbes. In her prediction, she lends insights on how brands will dig into and leverage their data to deliver a long-awaited next-level customer service experience.
“Companies are starting to realize they’re ignoring the most valuable source of customer insights — the interactions they have with customers every day. They’re ignoring customer conversations because they believe their NPS scores and survey data represent the voice of the customer. But some haven’t realized that the literal voice of the customer is already in their walls and the technology exists to harness this data. Those who have ventured down the path of harnessing their customer interaction data recognize a value that is exponentially greater than the survey data they have relied on for decades.”
Leslie Pagel, CCO at Authenticx
CMSWire | Top Call Center Trends to Watch in 2023 with Leslie Pagel at Authenticx
Leslie Pagel, CCO at Authenticx, was featured in CMSWire, sharing about how businesses are beginning to realize that they are ignoring the most valuable source of customer insights — the interactions they have with customers every day. Pagel said that those who have ventured down the path of harnessing their customer interaction data recognize a value that is exponentially greater than the survey data they have relied on in the past.
“They’re ignoring customer conversations because they believe their NPS scores and survey data represent the voice of the customer. But some haven’t realized that the literal voice of the customer is already in their walls and the technology exists to harness this data.”
Leslie Pagel, CCO at Authenticx
DevPro Journal | Healthcare Technology Predictions for 2023 with Amy Brown at Authenticx
Amy Brown, CEO at Authenticx, was featured in DevPro Journal, sharing her insights on healthcare predictions for 2023 about accelerated cloud, AI, and robotics adoption.
“We’ll see more conversational AI used to understand the social and emotional factors playing into patient health decisions. And those factors are equally as important as their clinical factors. In the future, organizations will recognize the value of using emotional and cognitive AI to identify and analyze social determinants of health and understand the holistic view of a patient. Consequently, these providers will be more responsive.”
Amy Brown, Founder & CEO at Authenticx
Health IT Answers: Adopting AI Will be on Everyone’s Mind in 2023 with Amy Brown & Michael Armstrong
So what should we look forward to when it comes to AI, health data, and Analytics? Amy Brown, Founder & CEO at Authenticx, alongside Michael Armstrong, CTO at Authenticx recently shared their insights with Health IT Answers.
“It’s everybody’s business to listen to the voice of their customers. Entire healthcare enterprises are using and leveraging conversational AI to understand their mission and the problems within their organization. It’s becoming an insights source for all functional areas — not just the operations side of the house — and that’s super exciting.
Amy Brown, Founder & CEO at Authenticx
“A CTO needs to deliver technology that improves services and processes for healthcare providers. After all, providers want their physicians focused on healthcare delivery not technology. CTOs should not buy AI because it’s AI or because it’s the latest and greatest tech. Instead, CTOs should think about the potential AI offers. How will it work in their specific organization? How will it improve business processes? That’s absolutely critical. Previously, you could get away with saying, ‘We’re implementing AI or digital transformation’ and get a blank check, but that’s not going to fly anymore. Organizations want to see results and need to see impact. A CTO can’t just make a big statement that AI is the future and get whatever budget they want. In 2023, the rubber will meet the road.”
Michael Armstrong, CTO at Authenticx
Health IT Answers: Will Patients be Cheering their Healthcare Experience in 2023 with Amy Brown
Patient experience has continued to drive health IT innovation this year and it doesn’t look like that will change in 2023. Amy Brown, Founder & CEO at Authenticx, recently shared insights with Health IT Answers.
Companies throwing technology at their staffing shortfalls — without first understanding the problem they’re solving for and how it actually impacts the customer experience — will be an utter failure. Spending millions of dollars on the latest digital innovation or optimization transformation won’t solve the patient experience and will ultimately hurt the company’s business. Some healthcare organizations say they’re in the business of improving patient experiences when they’re actually digitally optimizing and simply adding more technology to cover staffing shortages or eliminate overhead. Leaders must use technology to listen at scale to patients and know how and when to enable digital solutions and the staff they do have to do their best work.
In 2023, we’ll see healthcare organizations dramatically reallocate funding from surveys into conversational intelligence. Why? There are inherent flaws in using surveys as a measurement tool because they’re self-serving to the organization soliciting feedback. Surveys ask the questions healthcare organizations want answers to, while unsolicited feedback shared through a patient’s words, paradigm and perception is infinitely more valuable.
We don’t have a lack of data in healthcare. We have a value-realization problem with the data we already have. I foresee a greater investment in solutions that digest unstructured data in ways that give you much better eyes and ears into the state of your business and the state of your patient experience.
Amy Brown, Founder & CEO at Authenticx
Healthcare IT Today: Digital Transformation: From Theory to Application with Authenticx CTO Michael Armstrong
Michael Armstrong, CTO at Authenticx, was featured in Health IT Today, sharing his insights on different ways and areas that digital transformation can be helpful in the world of healthcare.
“Digital transformation in itself is a bit of a buzzword. There’s so much we can do with technology now, and the act of using computers or new gadgets can no longer be considered digital transformation. In healthcare especially, the transformation is really about building the culture, business processes and mindsets needed to leverage the new technology in a way that truly impacts and benefits patients. The intersection of people and technology is what matters when implementing digital tools.”
Michael Armstrong, CTO at Authenticx
HIT Consultant: 20 Executives Share Health IT Predictions to Watch in 2023 with Authenticx CEO Amy Brown
Amy Brown, CEO at Authenticx, was featured in HIT Consultant, sharing her insights on health IT trends and predictions for 2023.
“Companies throwing technology at their staffing shortfalls — without first understanding the problem they’re solving for and how it actually impacts the customer experience — will be an utter failure. Spending millions of dollars on the latest digital innovation or optimization transformation won’t solve the patient experience and will ultimately hurt the company’s business. Some healthcare organizations say they’re in the business of improving patient experiences when they’re actually digitally optimizing and simply adding more technology to cover staffing shortages or eliminate overhead. Leaders must use technology to listen at scale to patients and know how and when to enable digital solutions and the staff they do have to do their best work.”
Amy. Brown, CEO at Authenticx
Healthcare IT Today: Digital Innovation and AI in Revenue Cycle Management with Authenticx CEO Amy Brown
Amy Brown, CEO at Authenticx, was featured in Healthcare IT Today, sharing her insights on how digital innovation and AI is making an impact in revenue cycle management practices.
“Revenue cycle is often the customer touch point that provides the most insight into how customers experience the overall health system and care journey. The reality is, patients, caregivers and all customers talk about what they appreciate and value, as well as what frustrates and confuses them about their experience during their bill paying interactions.
Tech innovations like AI and ML are empowering healthcare leaders to efficiently monitor, track and analyze millions of diverse patient voices, including those captured during revenue cycle conversations. Analyzing conversational data helps identify human coding errors, reduce disruptive billing claim processes, prevent fraud and guide decision-making. Revenue cycle leaders can use this analysis to understand gaps in care and develop patient-focused investment strategies.”
Amy. Brown, CEO at Authenticx

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About Authenticx
Authenticx was founded to analyze and activate customer interaction data at scale. Why? We wanted to reveal transformational opportunities in healthcare. We are on a mission to help humans understand humans. With a combined 100+ years of leadership experience in pharma, payer, and healthcare organizations, we know first-hand the challenges and opportunities that our clients face because we’ve been in your shoes.
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