Even when you don’t ask for their feedback, healthcare consumers freely share what they like about your brand, also known as brand values or brand attractors. On average, 40% of customer calls include mention of one or more brand values. These unsolicited comments often reveal important insights that leaders don’t realize their organization is appreciated or recognized for.
Our 2020 Customer Voices Report revealed that 61% of the brand values expressed by healthcare consumers are related to service. Customers articulated that they appreciate agent knowledge, swift problem-solving, and agents going above and beyond to understand a problem and find a solution.

Unsolicited expressions of brand values might sound like:
- “I was so intimidated and every phone call I make to you has been so clear, like you are trying to make my life so much easier.”
- “I sure appreciate your knowledge and efficiency.”
- “Thank you for all your help on this. I know we all make mistakes and I appreciate you figuring it out.”
- “I’m really impressed with your company. You folks really try to help your people out. So I really appreciate it. You’ve been very helpful and you’re personable too.”
From this data, we know that agents are most effective when they are empowered to offer flexible options to customers. Specifically, agents should be listening for emotions as well as the content of customer calls. When agents demonstrate empathy, go above and beyond to problem solve, and offer options, customers implicitly value the company, not just the agent.
Unmet customer needs are only going to increase, and customer service has the opportunity to be a big differentiator and brand-value driver for your organization.
Additionally, it presents the opportunity to turn dissatisfied customers into loyal ones, provided that you identify brand detractors and root causes so you can move the needle on customer satisfaction.
About Authenticx
Authenticx was founded to analyze and activate customer interaction data at scale. Why? We wanted to reveal transformational opportunities in healthcare. We are on a mission to help humans understand humans. With a combined 100+ years of leadership experience in pharma, payer, and healthcare organizations, we know first-hand the challenges and opportunities that our clients face because we’ve been in your shoes.
Want to learn more? Contact us!