
Why I Founded Authenticx

I spent two decades working in a variety of settings across the healthcare and insurance spaces – from small companies to publicly traded enterprises. During this time, I saw firsthand both the opportunity and, oftentimes, the missed opportunity that healthcare organizations had. 

Time and time again I watched organizations attempt to understand their customers by sending surveys and robocalls, which resulted in limited responses and insights. All the while they were storing, but then ignoring, the rich insights buried within customer phone, chat, and email conversations that were being had all day every day.

As the COO of a health insurance company, I knew that Operations housed the customer interaction data – emails, chats, and calls – that could help grow revenue, and improve profitability by elevating the voice and insights of the customer. Rather than being considered a “cost center,” Operations had the opportunity to become the “insights center” and transform the organization.

If we could elevate and escalate the voices of customers to executives, we could drive meaningful change. 

I knew that healthcare systems can no longer afford to ignore the social, cultural, and economic clues that customers are giving as they engage with the organization. Only when they understand the patient experience can leaders develop programs, products, and services that respond authentically to the unique needs of their customers.

The challenge, however, was that my team and I had no systematic way to pull those insights out of Operations. With this realization, I knew that starting Authenticx was something I must do. 

“Listening to the voice of our customers is no longer a ‘nice to have.’ Utilizing Authenticx became a ‘have to have’ for our organization.”

– Brand Leader, Top 10 Pharma

So, in 2018 I founded Authenticx to help humans understand humans – and that’s exactly what we do today, by bringing the literal voice of the customer to the leaders who make decisions about their customer experience. By taking the recorded customer interactions that are already occurring—calls, emails, or chats—and using AI and natural language processing, we discern insights from those conversations, helping the healthcare industry “get in touch” with their customer by listening for the things that matter most.  

These insights might speak to the quality and compliance of the interaction or they might reveal what it’s like to be that customer or that patient. And we use those insights to reveal meaningful information for all parts of the healthcare enterprise so they can make better business decisions. 

Want to learn more?

Read more on Forbes, “Amy Brown Creates Authenticx to Transform Healthcare Customer Experience”

You can learn more about Authenticx and how we’re humanizing customer interaction data at scale here.

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