Your customers are already surfacing Eddies (without being asked!) in the conversations they have with your company every single day. This unsolicited feedback lives in the calls, chats, and emails you’re currently recording, storing, and ignoring.
To access these insights and identify the Eddy Effect you need to listen. And by listen we don’t mean look at a word cloud, report, or customer satisfaction score – we mean literally listen to your customers.

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Learn how to identify, measure, and resolve breakdowns within your customer journey.
To get started, you need to collect a sample of customer conversations. When selecting which interactions to listen to it’s important to think about:
Date Range
Is it important that you listen to conversations that happened yesterday, or do you want to listen to calls centered around a certain campaign, milestone, or key event? Decide on the date range that would be most impactful for you.
Sample Size
What is your capacity to listen? Pick a sample size that would be meaningful, but not so overwhelming that you can’t finish what you started. It might be helpful to select calls from a particular service area, brand, or contact center line to start with.
Make sure that you’re pulling a representative sample of customer calls. Collect calls from all agents, not just your top performers, so you can really understand the truth about what your customers are experiencing.
Now it’s time to actually listen to these conversations. In addition to the words you hear, pay close attention to the tone and expressions your customers use. Make note of any Eddies you hear.

Think you don’t have time to listen?
Tools like Authenticx can make listening more efficient by surfacing and prioritizing the most important conversations to hear.