Your customers are talking. Are you listening?
Tap into existing customer conversations to reveal qualitative feedback. This unfiltered, renewable source of insights accounts for every customer voice – even those who don’t respond to surveys.
Start Listening
Authenticx analyzes customer conversations to surface recurring trends.

Leverage your healthcare call center for actionable intel.
Improve compliance and increase quality scores across call centers by listening to customer interactions at scale.
See Authenticx in ActionVoice Of Customer Software
Artificial intelligence is making its mark on all types of business technologies to better improve companies’ services, products, and even their own internal procedures and how they analyze data. Nowhere is this more clear than the use of artificial intelligence in voice of customer software.
What is that you may ask? Voice of customer software is when artificial intelligence is applied to all the customer interaction data for the sake of bettering the customers’ experience and thus increasing the business’s rapport.
These voice of the customer metrics are especially important in the healthcare industries and those adjacent to healthcare because it is so essential to be able to accurately assess and respond to human emotion, offering much-needed empathy in so many different types of health-related situations.
All businesses could benefit from this type of voice of customer software, but because the stakes are so much higher in healthcare than in other industries, Authentic chooses to focus on healthcare areas like life sciences, providers, and payers.
Authenticx is a voice of the customer framework that offers a complete package with a combination of quantitative and qualitative insights on voice of customer data. It offers key features such as the following:
Speech Analyticx – classifying transcripts and audio recording by topic identification
Smart Sample – Targeting evaluations based on the topics that matter most to the company
Smart Predict– Using machine learning to transform how analysts work
Montage Builder – creating a story by bringing clips together around a certain topic
With Authenticx a business can organize pre-existing data to provide structure and that data can be shared across the stakeholders within the organization. The automation of such voice of customer data collection ensures that each patient’s conversation is heard and analyzed with nothing falling through the cracks if all this labor was being done manually.
Voice Of The Customer Tools
Software like Authenticx is but one of the voice of the customer tools out there. Another tool that organizations tend to use is the voice of customer survey. These surveys have value in what customer feedback they offer, but this type of voice of the customer survey template has some gaping holes in the customer data that it is gathering.
For example, surveys require a customer to deem it worth their while to respond in the first place. They also involve a customer retrieving information after the fact, causing them to possibly omit valuable data that occurred while on the phone.
That is why a voice of customer template such as customer interaction recordings has a much greater reach. Authentic can help in filling in these gaps of information because:
(1) an organization has access to 100% of its call center data, thus having a complete data sample
(2) recordings can capture feedback that happens at the moment that otherwise would have been lost and
(3) it needs no further solicitation as customers call in to the company’s call center of their own volition, so there is no perception that their time has been wasted like with a survey.
Voice Of The Customer Best Practices
Authenticx’s strategy can organize the feedback by needs, interests, drivers, and sources.
Voice of the customer methodology is not a tricky business, but it does require some thought. As stated in the previous paragraph, surveys would not fall in the category of voice of the customer best practices for all of the reasons discussed. Rather, best practices would include things like the following.
Gathering data from more than just customers – Customers are a large chunk of VOC strategy, but a business should also look into the voice of prospective customers. That is also considered valuable VOC data.
VOC going beyond calls and texts – Things such as a website visitor’s clickstream is also important VOC data that should be monitored and analyzed.
Connecting the dots with the data – The data alone cannot tell the story of how a business can improve or grow. It is how that data is analyzed and how it relates to customer profile data and transactional behavior.
These are some basic tips on how to go about voice of the customer best practices. VOC is a powerful tool that can unlock many secrets to the customer’s psyche, but one needs to be willing to sift through all of that data. That is why Authenticx can be helpful in how it collects audio and visual feedback from customers directly. Then all that feedback can be categorized by interest, sources, drives, and needs.
How It Works
Gain a deeper level understanding of contact center conversations with AI solutions.
Learn MoreAggregate
Pull customer interaction data across vendors, products, and services into a single source of truth.
Collect quantitative and qualitative information to understand patterns and uncover opportunities.

Confidently take action with insights that close the gap between your organization and your customers.
Voice Of Customer Examples
Voice of customer software can be applied in a variety of ways. Some voice of the customer examples in healthcare include this scenario of a hospital using VOC software to monitor how nurses and schedulers were responding to patient calls. They honed in on questions like how many nurses/schedules should be on the line after they transitioned to a centralized mode, how could they instruct schedulers better so as not to interrupt the workflow of nurses, and what kind of pandemic-related scenarios was everyone dealing with.
Through this monitoring with Authenticx, data was gleaned about who was calling the nurse triage line, what was the top driver of calls, what prompted schedulers to call a nurse, what types of appointments were being scheduled for patients, and much more. They were able to gather this information in just two weeks.
By having access to all of this data, the hospital was able to provide better training to nurses and other employees, especially with how COVID-19 changed the dynamics of the hospital’s workflow. Such insights would not have been gathered with that level of detail by any voice of the customer survey examples.
Voice Of Customer Role
What is the role of voice of customer? Why is it important to devote so much time and energy to gathering data around it? What is the voice of the customer definition? The voice of customer role is to garner the customers’ experiences, ascertain their expectations, discover their preferences, and identify their aversions. One cannot begin to sell and product and/or service unless one has a strong grasp on the primary motivation that drives a potential customer’s feelings and actions.
The voice of the customer marketing science is designed to find all these answers. This requires multiple layers of analysis, as human emotions are hard to translate into numbers. That is why the VOC process with Authenticx relies upon a mixture of quantitative and qualitative data.
When considering a marketing strategy based on voice of customer data, one needs to keep the following in mind.
-Use preexisting conversational data to the fullest extent
-Be sure to measure perception of the brand in real-time
-Make the most out of the feedback that is honest, direct, and blunt
-Do not rely solely on surveys to understand trends in your customers
-These are all the ways Authenticx helps its clients reach the top of their potential with VOC data.
Voice Of The Customer Research
The entire point of collecting voice of the customer research is for that research to be presented to the management or leadership within an organization. From there the leadership can make an informed decision on how best to respond to the voice of customer data, if at all.
Raw data is often messy and has no rhyme or reason to it, thus data analysts need to ensure they present this information in a feasible manner to convey the current market trends in the company. When it comes to voice of the customer, table and charts are a time-proven method to help people visualize the data into understandable patterns and categories.
To aid data analysts in this endeavor, Authenticx organizes its voice of customer data by tagging it by topic, sources, interest, and other identifiers. This makes the information much easier to oversee and to break down into digestible pieces.
The use of artificial intelligence is beneficial because organizations have an authentic, complete sample pool in their audio recordings, email correspondence, clickstream, and so much more that accounts for Voice of customer data. The research may appear daunting, but with a few specially chosen keywords and priorities determined, a business can gather all the information they want.
Voice Of Customer Questions
What is critical before you begin to assemble VOC data is to figure out what your voice of customer questions are. Authenticx can help in detecting trends, but it won’t know what to look for if you do not know what to look for. Compiling a list of questions must be the first order of business. Here is a list of the best voice of the customer questions.
-How would you describe this product or service?
Would you recommend this product or service to anyone?
-What search terms did you use to find the product or service?
-What topics would you like to see covered in this organization’s content?
-What are your feelings about the organization’s customer service?
These are but a few of the voice of the customer interview questions. One should pose questions like these not only about existing products and services but also voice of customer questions for new product development.
If one has this data beforehand, it can be channeled directly into the development of the product/service, allowing the VOC to directly cause the product to be the best that it can possibly be. If one can troubleshoot the bugs beforehand, that will make the product/service all the more profitable.