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Emotion Analysis Natural Language Processing

Authenticx is software that enables organizations like healthcare providers to measure the impact and effectiveness of their call center services. Not only does it provide quantitative data, Authenticx provides qualitative data in the form of emotion analysis natural language processing. Using an NLP sentiment analysis dataset, Authenticx is able to provide healthcare organizations with information on the reason the patient called and how they felt about it. It can track the caller’s sentiment through the call thanks to a natural language processing sentiment analysis Python code. This allows the organization to identify how their caller is feeling throughout the course of their call and if they feel satisfied by the end – whether or not their issue received their desired solution. 

Natural language processing is achieved through artificial intelligence – and its goal is to give computers and other AI the ability to comprehend text and speech in the same way that humans can. This can be a complicated subject to understand at first, but the basics of natural language processing are this. A computer can receive data – in this case, a phone call between a call center agent and a healthcare patient. The computer receives the audio data and transcribes it into text. The computer then assigns sentiment to the textual data using text emotion classification. It is able to do this because it has been taught emotion detection from text source code and learned how words and emotions are commonly related. The software can then sort segments of calls by sentiment – allowing healthcare providers to view all of their like segments at a time and gain actionable insights from data that was previously unreachable. 

In order for an artificial intelligence algorithm to be able to properly identify emotion and sentiment, it must be trained. Software engineers and scientists use a text emotion detection dataset to refine the algorithm’s choices for accuracy. In an emotion detection dataset, it’s best to have as much data as possible that has a broad representation of all races, genders, accents, and ages. This is especially true for healthcare software due to the fact that nearly every person in every population is going to need a healthcare provider at some point in their lives. If the dataset does not contain information for the algorithm to learn from, it is likely to be inaccurate. 

Authenticx uses natural language processing for many of our software features – Speech Analyticx, Smart Sample, and Smart Predict. Speech Analyticx can identify topics and classify them based on taught rules. Smart Sample can identify and point Authenticx users directly to the parts of conversations that matter most to the organization. Smart Predict uses machine learning to autoscore the conversations between agents and patients, providing valuable insight into analyst performance

Sentiment Analysis Tools

There are lots of reasons why a company might use sentiment analysis tools. When a patient interacts with a healthcare organization over the phone related to their care, they are giving valuable feedback. That is true whether it’s good or bad! The inability to review and learn from that feedback may be holding an organization back and preventing them from improving their offering as well as customer retention. 

There are a handful of sentiment analysis models that are different from one another and serve various purposes. 

A fine-grained sentiment analysis model helps identify a positive or negative sentiment within the data. It often scales across the following categories: very negative, negative, neutral, positive, or very positive. 

An aspect-based sentiment analysis model can also identify opinions both positive and negative, but it goes a set further. The purpose of an aspect-based model is to help the user know exactly what the negative or positive opinion is attached to. For example, if a patient called in and said that their “doctor” was “rude” to them, an aspect-based model would be able to identify that the caller has made a “negative” comment about their “doctor.”

An emotion detection model can get more complicated and detect/identify a wide array of more complicated feelings than simply positive or negative. Many emotion detection models use a lexicon to classify data. More advanced emotion detection models use machine learning algorithms. This is because conversational data is largely contextual, and the use of a lexicon is too small a dataset for sentiment analysis. Lexicons are unable to identify context, so they may be more inaccurate.

The intent analysis does not identify feelings, per se, but the intent is also a sentiment. Many organizations use intent analysis to determine if a lead is ready to buy a product or if they are simply browsing. By using accurate intent analysis, organizations can choose to target that lead with advertisements for their product, or they can enter them in a nurture campaign/less expensive forms of advertisement. Intent analysis can save an organization time and money by showing them who their most likely conversions are. 

There are three different ways to perform sentiment analysis.

  1. The first is to take a knowledge-based approach. This approach is the one most likely to use a text sentiment analysis dataset for classification.
  2. The second approach is statistical analysis, which uses machine learning algorithms such as latent semantic analysis.
  3. The third approach is a hybrid between the two. 

Sentiment Analysis Python

Sentiment analysis requires powerful coding knowledge. It also requires access to appropriate tools, existing knowledge, and datasets. If the goal is to achieve a powerful algorithm capable of accurate NLP sentiment analysis, Python is a programming language that can make it happen. Python is a general-purpose programming language that is widely used for websites, software, automation, and data analysis. Many software developers use a sentiment analysis Python NLTK (or natural language toolkit) to develop their own sentiment analysis project. Python is a broadly used language with a lot of support from developers all over the globe. 

There are even open-source sentiment analysis Python library resources for developers interested in creating a sentiment analysis Python code. When developing sentiment analysis, Python offers flexibility and accessibility. However, that can come with a price at times. Choosing open-source and simple sentiment analysis Python frameworks might mean making some difficult decisions about the scope, scalability, and intent of the project overall. 

When it comes to sentiment analysis, Python is an often-used language. Different sentiment analysis NLP Python libraries have their strengths and weaknesses. One of the most popular Python libraries used for NLP is SpaCy. It claims to be the fastest Python library in the world and is known for its named entity recognition, parts of speech tagging, and classification abilities. The NLTK (natural language toolkit) that is mentioned above is another Python library used for natural language processing and sentiment analysis.

One of the best things about Authenticx is that the users don’t have to understand how natural language processing works in order to take advantage of the incredible insights it can bring to their business. Authenticx provides complex data in a way that is easy to understand, presenting important information at the click of a button

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Sentiment Analysis Project

Sentiment analysis NLP projects can have a remarkable impact on any business in many sectors – not just healthcare. A Twitter sentiment analysis project can be utilized in any organization to gauge the sentiment of their brand on Twitter. This would be accomplished in a manner similar to Authenticx’s Speech Analyticx and Smart Predict – although likely less powerful. Geeks for Geeks provide a Twitter sentiment analysis example alongside their process. They utilize TextBlob as their Python framework. 

Sentiment analysis projects can have a huge impact on the very policies and procedures that were previously standard at an organization. Using patient sentiment to identify how they are feeling could shine a light on patient retention issues, call center effectiveness and performance, and more. If it’s discovered that every patient under a certain doctor calls to complain and then later leaves a healthcare provider as a patient, healthcare organizations may find that they could improve their patient satisfaction and their patient retention if they give more training to the personnel in question. 

GitHub is a code hosting platform that enables software developers to track and control versions of their code and projects. It also allows for large-scale collaboration and to work on a project. It also serves as a forum of sorts, allowing developers to communicate with each other about topics such as sentiment analysis projects. Github also serves as a host for user-created NLP learning libraries for sentiment analysis, bot building, and more. NLP and sentiment analysis allows organizations to make the most out of unstructured feedback like chatbots, call center conversations, and more.

Types Of Sentiment Analysis

Many software developers search for sentiment analysis using deep learning GitHub resources. There are many sentiment-analysis datasets Github hosts for free and for open use. Software developers interested in learning more about text emotion detection online can also read a review of different approaches for detecting emotion from text. It is one of the few emotion detections from text research papers that have been written and peer-reviewed for the betterment of natural language processing and sentiment analysis as a field. 

The review of the different types of sentiment analysis was written by Ashrithra R. Murthy and K.M. Anil Kumar in 2021 and discusses several different methods of performing sentiment analysis. They break the methods into two broad categories: Emotion Models and Computational Approaches. They also recognize resources such as Corpora and lexicons commonly used in sentiment analysis projects. A corpus is the collection of linguistic data that is used to extrapolate emotions from text. 

There are many different approaches to sentiment analysis, even under the broad umbrella of computational approaches. The following methods are commonly used in natural language processing and sentiment analysis algorithms:

  • Keyword-based approach:
    • This model uses a lexicon in combination with linguistic rulesets to identify emotion. It can be used to identify emotional intensity and label emotions.
  • Corpus-based approach:
    • This is a supervised learning algorithm that uses lexicon or corpora that have already been tagged and extracted. According to the review, it is not very accurate.
  • Rules-based approach:
    • A rules-based approach uses stop-word elimination, parts of speech tagging, and tokenization to process the data. After the data has been processed, a rules-based approach can determine emotion by applying the concepts of statistics and linguistics.
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